Thursday, July 27, 2017


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Mosquitoes (the females) are quite a nuisance during the summer months. They can even bite during the day. The dark tiger mosquito don't care what time of day it is, it will find you. You can purchase spray repellents which are sold at the local pharmacy or supermarkets. Feel free to bring you own products from the states especially if you have one without all the harsh chemicals. In the past, aerial spraying was used to control the mosquito population but has been banned therefore unleashing the large influx of these little buggers. Yes they're on the beach, mountain tops, villages, restaurants, pretty much everywhere. If bit, try to avoid the excessive scratching. 
Many home and apartment rentals are equipped with protective window screens. If used properly, the screen can help ease the on-going issue of mosquitoes or even wasps from entering your rental. It may be very beneficial to keep everything closed during the daylight hours. 
I've personally had success rubbing basil leaves onto my skin. The liquid it generates stays on really well without any harsh side effects. May cause slight staining if accidentally rubbed onto clothing so be careful. Mosquitoes will definitely move onto the next victim. 

Plug in liquid that works really well at eliminating mosquitos