Sunday, July 28, 2019

Driving Tips

Quick tip-Watch out for the elderly who are behind the wheel. They have little disregard to others around them and generally don't abide to traffic rules. Bumping into other vehicles and driving off is quite the routine. Most cars are destroyed on the island anyway.

Double parking is second nature to most Greeks so be prepared to maneuver around carefully.
Driving direction is similar to that of the states. Roads however are much smaller and are generally occupied by pot holes. Intersection lighting is hideous in many areas as it’s very hard to see what color your light is. Most lights are parallel to the driver so you must peak your head out the window or below the windshield to check when it turns green. Lighting is also dim so it hard to figure out if it’s a green or red. There are roundabouts throughout the island, usually the vehicle that's already in the roundabout has the right-away but that's not necessarily the case so be extra careful when entering and exiting. 

Headlights do not need to be on during the day. 

Drive with caution and pay attention to your surroundings. In order to avoid damage to your rental car, try to avoid the pot holes and have extra caution when parking your vehicle near a supermarket.